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Did You Know!
Mcdonald's once made bubble-gum flavored broccoli
The first oranges were green - not orange
This Week:
Gold Topped $2000.00/Oz.
States slowly started up again.
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Operation Crossroads
Baker Field Test
July 26th, 1946
The first ever underwater nuclear explosion.
The objective was to test the effects of a nuclear explosion on ships and animals.
Precious Metal Prices
BMI Calculator
Time Zones
Real people, real stories from the community.
"Getting in line to checkout from food shopping and the person in front of you gets all done and then decides to try and find their checkbook, debit card or other money card. Then they can't remember their pin number to use it. REALLY!!!"
"Pulling up to a red light in a designated turn lane and the person in front of you sits because the light is red. Sign say "Turn Signal." It doesn't say "NO TURN ON RED." In PA you can go, right on red after stop, if not posted."
"When the people running for office in their TV ads say, "And, I approve this ad!" Really, I didn't see anyone with their hand up your butt making you say it. We are not that dumb, if you're saying it, I think you approve it."
"Your pet pieve here"
"Your pet pieve here"
"Your pet pieve here"
"Your pet pieve here"
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